Methods Overview The data underlying the analyses were collected in an international pretested, preregistered, cross-sectional online survey (n = 71,922 participants in k = 68 countries) between November 2022 and August 2023 as part of the TISP Many Labs project (‘Trust in Science and Science...
Australian Government, 2023). Less spoken about, but of equal importance, is educators’ wellbeing, which has been shown to contribute to students’ wellbeing (see Laundon & Grant Smith, 2023 for an overview of educators’ wellbeing in higher education). Burnout affects the health (Young et ...
🔎 How to Find the Best Australian Online Casino 2023? We’re sure that you will tell us that finding a proper place to play casino games is difficult given the number of sites and emails overwhelming your inbox. Indeed, this is a million-dollar question we can debate for ages. However...
In 2023 the Australian government mandated reforms to initial teacher education (ITE) courses across Australia. The key rationale of the Strong Beginnings
(Lacoste & Kragt,Citation2018).Choosing: The process of choosing weather app(s) we observed reflects farmers’ approach to innovation and technology more generally; we found evidence of “tinkering”, trialling and appropriation (Higgins et al.,Citation2017,Citation2023; Rose et al.,Citation2022)...
2023. "Rethinking Estuary Urbanism—Preparing Australian Estuary Cities for Changes to Come in the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency" Sustainability 15, no. 2: 962. APA Style Perez Lopez, I., & Martin, D. J. (2023). Rethinking Estuary Urbanism—Preparing...