ANF 85 years and standing strong: the Australian Nursing Federal celebrates 85 years. As the largest nursing and midwifery union and the third largest union in Australia, the ANF has undergone an industrial, professional and political revolution. Natalie Dragon reports on some of the achievements.(...
But the National Union of Students said Centrelink was a “bureaucratic nightmare” to deal with. “Cutting out the middleman here and having students apply directly through their universities is the simplest way to make sure this payment will be effective,” said national president Ngaire Bogemann...
Reforming the European Union's Common Fisheries Policy: Why was there a successful reform of the Common Fisheries Policy possible in 2013, after years of i... This would allow the European Commission to act as a policy entrepreneur and push for further reaching policy changes. However, for yea... Chartered Society of Physiotherapy: Professional rules. http://www/ New Zealand Parliament: ...
The large peak between 2001/02 and 2020/21 emanates out of the World War II baby boom plus inward immigration of women of childbearing age from the European Union. Figure A3. Trends in live births in England from 1998/99 to 2020/21. Data are from the Office for National Statistics [61...