appropriating small but vital parts of the land for their own exclusive use (waterholes and soaks in particular), and introducing sheep, rabbits and cattle, all three of which ate out previously fertile areas and degraded the ability of the land to carry the native animals that were vital to...
Most Australian honeyeaters feed also on insects and are not limited to nectar [64], so they can persist in areas and through seasons when bees are absent. Pollinator abundance might also be influenced by the presence of other species of flowering plants. Coexistence of peas in a community ...
Alignment of deduced amino acid sequences of the α1 and α2 domains of bat MHC class I loci with human HLA-A for comparison. The shaded residues in the α1 domain correspond to a putative natural killer (NK) receptor-binding region. Other designations: d, cysteines in the α2 domains...
Strawberry (Fragaria spp.) plants produce aggregate fruit, which allow an assessment of the pollination on each individual berry; incomplete pollination results in malformed fruit. The flower’s exposed nectaries attract a diverse array of flower-visiting insects. Native wasps and bees are involved ...