National Archives of Australia from 2011-2012 White Paper Website and Social Media Archiving – A Guide for Government Agencies in the Commonwealth of Australia Download White Paper Pagefreezer assists government organizations in tackling the following critical challenges: Public Records Response As with...
Australian Archives Office Australian National Library, Canberra Convention Debates, Adelaide, 1897 Convention Debates, Melbourne, 1898 Convention Debates, Sydney, 1897 Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates D.T. Daily TelegraphIntroduction 1Clark's Draft Bill is reprinted in John Reynolds, `A. I. Clark's ...
National Army Museum:Personal Treasures[online] Available at: [Accessed 14 November 2021]. National Archives of Australia. 2017.Gifford Frederick George: SERN 2815 : POB Exeter SA : POE Adelaide SA...
National Army Museum:Personal Treasures[online] Available at: [Accessed 14 November 2021]. National Archives of Australia. 2017.Gifford Frederick George: SERN 2815 : POB Exeter SA : POE Adelaide SA...
Australian Government Recordkeeping Metadata StandardAustralia, National Archives ofAustralian government recordkeeping metadata standard (AGRk MS,Version 2.2). National Archives of Australia. MS-Version-2.2-June-2015_tcm16-47131.pdf . 2016...
The Australian National Film and Sound Archive provides free and worldwide access to over 1,000 film and television titles – a treasury of down-under video 100 years in the making. Open Culture,
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has lived with the stereotype of being a public service city since its creation. This is a timely article because of the recent jokes made on the Craig Ferguson comedy show with Australian actor Guy Pearce about Canberra. Making Canberra the butt of not just national derision but also internati...
has lived with the stereotype of being a public service city since its creation. This is a timely article because of the recent jokes made on the Craig Ferguson comedy show with Australian actor Guy Pearce about Canberra. Making Canberra the butt of not just national derision but also internati...
19 Ann Curthoys, ‘Chineseness and Australian Identity’, in The Overseas Chinese in Australasia: History, Settlement, and Interactions, eds Henry Chan, Ann Curthoys and Nora Chiang (Taipei: National Taiwan University, 2001), 16–29. 20 John Fitzgerald. 21 Mae M. Ngai, The Chinese Question: ...