Ever since I was a small boy, growing up in a keen bush walking family Cradle Mountain was heralded as the Holy Grail, the oasis, a land of such sweeping grandeur it would bring tears to the eyes of all who beheld it. Having visited many times over the years I must say that the ...
We thank the Department of Zoology at the University of Western Australia for SCUBA equipment, Anna Karlsson for field assistance, DeEtte Walker and John Avise for help with microsatellite analysis, Mikael Landin for initial analysis of home range sizes, and Karoline Fritzsche, Jonathan Henshaw and...
Other Eastern Daylight Time Zones Time zonescan have similar names and abbreviations but have a different UTC offset: Eastern Daylight Time(EDT): UTC -4 Eastern European Summer Time(EEST): UTC +3 Eastern Greenland Summer Time(EGST): UTC -1 ...
Landgate - Western Australia Land Administration (DOLA) StreetExpress are gif or ecw (depending on the version) images that can be imported into OziExplorer. DPI - WA Western Australian Digital Nautical Chart Images. This CD contains raster (ECW and TIFF) and PDF (Adobe Acrobat) formats of the...
Therefore, land use and land cover was investigated on historical and present-day photographs, and these interpretations were warped to the horizontal plane of the map. The resulting maps allow to gain better insights into LUC changes over a period of 140 years. The results show that woody ...
75 cents. Atlas of Australian Resources: Land Use, Second Series, T.W. Plumb (ed.), Geographic Section, Department of Minerals and Energy, Canberra, 1973. Commentary by P. Scott. 750 x 720 mm., folded map sheet, 1:6 million map, with 18 page booklet (9 tables). 75 cents. Atlas ...
Livestock-driven land use change to model species distributions: Egyptian vulture as a case study Species distribution models (SDMs) are increasingly used to predict species ranges and their shifts under future scenarios of global environmental change (... Mateo-Tomas, Patricia,PP Olea - 《Ecological...
Type: Industry Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Oceania View on OpenStreetMapLatitude-27.38184° or 27° 22' 55" south Longitude153.17323° or 153° 10' 24" east Open Location Code5R4MJ59F+77 OpenStreetMap IDway 377810475 OpenStreetMap Featurelanduse=...
OpenStreetMap IDway 568464845 OpenStreetMap Featurelanduse=residentialThis page is based on OpenStreetMap, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. Edit This PlaceCorryton...
OpenStreetMap IDway 211359066 OpenStreetMap Featurelanduse=residentialThis page is based on OpenStreetMap, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. Edit This PlaceThe...