Afghanistan foreign minister to meet Australian government ministers
Not all members of a farming partnership must work on the farm, but at least one person must contribute at least 75% of their labour to the farm business under normal circumstances, and at least one partner must rely on the farm for their income – so the loans are not available for co...
4Billionaire retailer Jerry Harvey, the man who views the world through the prism of his own cash registers, reckons we need a two tier wage system where cheap labour is plentiful. ‘Australia doesn’t have cheap labour. Many overseas workers would be prepared to move here for a much bette...
The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, held a joint press conference following the meeting. He was accompanied by Premiers Baird, Napthine, Newman, Barnett, Weatherill and Hodgman, as well as the Territory Chief Ministers Gallagher and Giles. Felicity-Ann Lewis represented Local Government. READ MORE.....
“There are only two ways of getting into the Cabinet. One is to crawl up the staircase of preferment on your belly; the other way is to kick them in the teeth. But for God’s sake don’t mix the two methods.”–Aneurin Bevan(British Labour politician) ...
The government warns that Labour’s emissions reduction plan would wreck the economy. The coalition also argues that Labour would further damage the economy with its policy of reducing tax breaks for landlords as property prices fall in Australia’s largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne. ...
Campsie in the electorate of Watson named in honour of John Christian Watson, an Australian prime minister in the early 20th Century. Few of Campsie’s citizens know Chris Watson led the world’s first “labour party” government, and believed to be the first social democratic government. ...
It complements the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme, which remains the backbone of addressing agricultural labour shortages in essential industrial sectors and a key solution to the current harvest. Under the Australian Agricultural Visa Program, recruiters work in ...
The labour movement and the Australian value of a fair go for the underdog suggest a place for ministry as prophetic advocacy; and ministry as service fits Australian humanitarianism, the Anzac spirit and servant leadership popular today even in business circles. Finally, ministers as community ...
The December 2023 Labour Force Survey supplement revealed a 48.1% increase in Canadians offering ride or taxi services via apps, which is a total of 135,000 individuals. Delivery services witnessed a 19.2% rise, with 272,000 Canadians engaging in this. Half (49.9%) of people who had offered...