Ⅲ.完形填空When I first arrived at an Australian high school at the age of 16, I was completely over the moon with everything! I was _1 _ in Australia, something we had been _ 2 _ for many months.However, as the majority of 3 students, I met with the unavoidable culture shock and...
With the support of her mother, Richards has been studying Chinese since the age of five. This year marks her second time competing in the Chinese proficiency competition. "That was crazy. After all this time I finally did it. I always thought maybe I could get first place but when it h...
schooldual lifeLittle is known about Australian high-performance school-age athletes' experiences as victims of the tall poppy syndrome. Tall poppies are successful individuals bullied by those who are less successful in order to "normalize them." Nineteen current or previous national or international...
High performance school-age athletes struggle to balance the demands of their sporting and educational roles. They are like “hyphenated” individuals striving to deal with more than one life. This investigation examines the views of talented athletes who are full-time school students to elicit their...
"Education, and particularly high school education, really matters when it comes to understanding this election result." Of the 3,500 voters who participated in the survey, 35.2 percent of females voted for Labor and 30 percent for the coalition. ...
17 (Xinhua) -- Australian police are desperately trying to shut down an internationally-based porn ring, after it was revealed Australian high school students were having nude images shared by on a deep-web website. According to media reports on Wednesday, the website featured nude images of ...
Age FactorsThis study of the casual sexual partnering of 570 male and 776 female Australian high school students on a schoolies week vacation expands on earlier research on factors that influence the sexual activity of vacationing youth. Over 60% of the men and nearly 40% of the women who ...
In many small communities in the interior of Australia, full high school education is not locally avail-able. Usually formal education is provided in schools through year 10, which, at the time of this study, coincided with the minimum legal leaving age. To complete the re-maining 2 years ...
•Itisfree,compulsorytoage15,andsecular(i.e.,notbasedonanyreligion)•Approximately30%ofstudentsattendprivateschools,70%governmentschools•Approximately75%ofallstudentsfinishsecondaryeducationatage18.•End-of-highschoolexamsrequiredforuniversityentrance SecondaryEducation •First4yearsofsecondaryeducationare...
Wood moved to Brisbane from Britain when he was nine years old. He became interested in Chinese culture at a young age, watching the Monkey King as a child and marveling at pictures of the Great Wall. However, his preconceptions about China were not good. ...