2025年澳大利亚悉尼医疗器械展览会Australian Healthcare Week 展会时间:2025-03-19 ~ 03-20 举办地址:澳大利亚悉尼国际会议中心 展会行业:医疗器械 举办周期:1年1届 中国代理:上海中驰创展展览 展会背景与影响力 澳大利亚悉尼医疗器械展览会是澳大利亚最大规模、最权威的医疗展览会,也是全澳洲唯一的提供各大医院...
澳大利亚医疗展|澳大利亚悉尼医疗展览会|AustralianHealthcareWeek将在澳大利亚悉尼举行。展会举办周期为一年一届。展会规模为展商320家;观众1.2万人;面积1.6万平。作为具有国际影响力的专业展览会,展会提供良好的行业交流及寻求代理商商业平台,届时众多供应商和采购商将云聚于此。 我们致力于为展会客户提供一流的展会资源,...
澳大利亚悉尼医疗展览会Australian Healthcare Week是澳大利亚最大规模、最权威的医疗展览会。旨在为所有医疗专业人士提供一个平台,探讨改善澳洲医疗服务的策略和解决方案。澳大利亚悉尼医疗展Australian Healthcare Week是一个医疗事件在澳大利亚和年会的医疗社区连接网络,探索未来的设计、交付和操作IQPC国际质量与生产力中心€医...
The Largest Healthcare Gathering In The Southern Hemisphere Dates: Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - Thursday, March 20, 2025 Venue: ICC - International Convention Centre Sydney,Sydney,Australia Welcome to Australian Healthcare Week (AHW), the largest and leading healthcare event in the southern hemisphe...
Australian Healthcare Week (AHW) is the largest healthcare event in Australia and is the Annual meeting place for the healthcare community to connect, network and explore the future of the design, delivery and operation of Australia′s healthcare system.Our vision is to provide a platform for...
Australian Healthcare Week is the fastest growing one-stop-shop event that addresses healthcare infrastructure design and development, ICT and aged care pr. Australian Healthcare Week 2017 is held in Sydney, Australia, from 3/8/2017 to 3/8/2017 in ICC -
During Tasmanian Whisky Week 13 -19 August, visitors to Hellyers Road Distillery can purchase one Whisky Walk (Guided distillery tour) and receive another one for free. The per person cost of a tour is usually $19.50 but for Tasmanian Whisky Week, the one price will admit a couple.Read mor...
11th Dec 2024 Opportunities coming to evokeᴬᴳ⋅ 2025 With less than one week to go until evokeᴬᴳ⋅ 2025 in Brisbane, the excitement is building as companies gear up to take full advantage of this key event in Australia’s agrifood, tech and innovation calendar. ...
However, it has reported a spate of small infection outbreaks in recent months linked to health security breaches at hotels where returning travellers are required to serve a two-week quarantine period. The AMA said vaccine hesitancy increases the risks of those breaches. Australia's fed...