Nevertheless, the wider school environment, discourses, resources, and facilities can present difficulties or can even be lacking; rigorous forums for debating the aims, meaning, and practicalities of dance in high school education are few; and teachers often feel on their own in confronting ...
As such, there is a growing need for heightened attention to the concept of group in both research and teaching practice to promote children’s wellbeing and resilience. Upon synthesizing the findings of this research, it became clear that participants’ diverse agendas and interests influenced ...
Teaching the Dance Subject in Australian High Schoolsdoi:10.1080/15290824.2019.1705305Sally GardnerOlivia MillardRoutledge
(2019) that children’s digital activities may not always be understood or valued in building digital competence, despite guidelines offered by ECA (2018). Overall, the study concluded that while considerable progress on digital integration has been made in terms of planning, teaching, and ...