Build your savings and possibly qualify for a co-contribution from the government if you earn less than $60,400. contribute after tax Salary sacrifice to super Build your super savings and potentially minimise income tax by adding a little extra through salary sacrifice. ...
(2)信用(Credit),信用是固定收益资产的一个子集,是独立于主权投资级组合的组合,包括由投资级及高收益级公司、政府代理机构(governmentagency)、特殊目的机构SPV、新兴市场政府发行的证券化债务,租金(leases),受益权(royalties),混合债(hybrids)及贷款。 ...
(2)信用(Credit),信用是固定收益资产的一个子集,是独立于主权投资级组合的组合,包括由投资级及高收益级公司、政府代理机构(governmentagency)、特殊目的机构SPV、新兴市场政府发行的证券化债务,租金(leases),受益权(royalties),混合债(hybrids)及贷款。 (3)固定收益(债券),指由政府、私人企业、银行发行的,在一定时...
You can add to your super from your take-home pay. This is known as making an after-tax or non-concessional contribution. Add to your super today.
State Government of Victoria (2020). Gallagher, R. V. et al. An integrated approach to assessing abiotic and biotic threats to post-fire plant species...
For major infrastructure projects governments borrow, traditionally by raising government bonds, but we are also seeing major banks and corporations financing such projects as major roads and charging a fee for users; a toll. No longer is it the governments providing the infrastructure, but that ...
While making an important contribution, this paper has some limitations. The sample of organizations is small and the data has not been checked via a survey with a greater range of accessible information providers. In addition, omitting the perspectives of the government departments/other agencies wh...
Contribution of the Australian field epidemiology training workforce to the COVID-19 response, 2020doi:10.5365/wpsar.2022.13.4.979EPIDEMICSCORONAVIRUS diseasesCOVID-19INDIGENOUS AustraliansEPIDEMIOLOGYSARS diseaseMERS coronavirusJOURNAL writingParry, Amy Elizabeth...
The Abbott government’s announcement in April takes Australia’s commitment to 72 – with the possibility of up to 24 more when the current Super Hornet is ready for retirement from 2030 on. The head of the JSF program, US Air Force Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, visited Australia in ...
In putting together this series, we knew we needed to acknowledge the very tough climate that the Arts, and the University sector more broadly, are currently in. It’s never been easy to secure an academic job, but with Covid-19 keeping international students away, and reduced government fun...