The Federal Government has explained that the reasoning behind the new measures is to protect the 'national interest' by preventing foreign investment into distressed assets in critical sectors, which may pose a threat to the security and viability of such sectors in the Australian econom...
The government's digital identification system will match a user's photograph, as well as Medicare, driver's licence, and birth certificate details, with information already held by various departments. The federal government has detailed what its digital identification solution will look like, outlini...
The Debt Ceiling, Explained The cap on how much the government can borrow has become a political football, but the consequences are very real. Tim SmartDec. 20, 2024 Inflation Comes in Below Expectations The November reading is one that is closely watched by Federal Reserve offici...
The survey found that, across all sectors, there has been a “steep trust decline for mass population” following the recent pandemic surge, with the government dropping 10 per cent and the media falling eight per cent. Trust in NGOs across the mass population also fell by eight per cent...
The Federal Government has announced it will refund more than $721 million dollars in wrongly issued Centrelink debts to over 373,000 Australians. The incorrect debt collections made between the 2015/2016 financial year and November 2019 targeted individuals who had supposedly received more welfare tha...
The Covid Pandemic, and the more recent spate of disastrous floods have caused so much hardship for so many Australians, that the federal government response has often fallen short of community expectations. As a result, there has been a groundswell of opposition that threatens the Coalition with...
The federal government will be introducing an open banking regime in Australia, hoping to transform the way customers interact with banks and the banking system. In order to develop the regime, the government's open banking review has published an issues paper that calls on representatives from th...
The new caps will be reviewed on August 31, but thefederal government has indicatedthey will likely be in place until the end of the year. Australian officials have said reaching herd immunity is key to reopening borders. Yet despite living in one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, only9%...
Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Volume 7, Part 640, Subpart J, Section 640.104: Additional Standards for Human Blood and Blood Products, Immune Globulin (Human), Potency; US Food and Drug Administration: Silver Spring, MD, USA, 2019. Hajian-Tilaki, K. Sample size estimation in ...
The peaceful rally by Together With Israel on the Lindt Cafe siege’s 10th anniversary urged the Federal government to act against rising antisemitism since October 7. Security concerns citedLaunceston Airport menorah back up ByBruce Hill OUR SAYMiracles ...