another crucial battle is being played out behind the scenes. It’s a struggle over how Australia tackles the drug problem. A clash between the forces of zero tolerance and harm minimisation, between those who fight any easing of drug prohibitions and those who say drug use is a reality tha...
23 (Xinhua) -- Illicit drug use in Australia could be twice as high as previously reported, a study said. The study, released by Western Australia's (WA) Curtin University on Wednesday, said that many people were deliberately under-reporting their drug use to avoid being caught. Mark ...
Drug use and sexual risk behavior among gay and bisexual men who attend circuit parties: a venue-based comparison. HIV risk behavior among urban gay/bisexual men has recently increased. High-risk sexual activity and drug use may be particularly high during circuit party... GN Colfax,G Mansergh...
The Australian Study of HIV and Injecting Drug Use (ASHIDU) is a multi-city study of 872 injecting drug users (IDUs), recruited from treatment and non-treatment sources. Questionnaire data and seroprevalence for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C were collected during 1994. This paper investigates...
There is a need to have some additional estimates of population morbidity which reflect harms associated with use.Objective: To determine Australian population rates of publicly funded community based specialised alcohol and other drug treatment and in-patient hospital care by those ???at risk???, ...
Butler T, Levy M, Dolan K, Kaldor J. Drug use and its correlates in an Australian prisoner population. Addict Res Theory. 2003;11(2):89-101 doi:10.1080/1606635021000021403.Butler T., Levy M., Dolan K., Kaldor J. Drug use and its correlates in an Australian prisoner population. Addict...
Alcohol use disorders comorbid with anxiety, depression and drug use disorders. Findings from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well Being. The aim of this paper is to report the prevalence of 12-month comorbidity between DSM-IV alcohol use disorders (abuse or dependence) and ...
Major deficiencies exist in the routine sources of Australian pharmacoepidemiology data and in data collection. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), Intercontinental Medical Statistics (IMS) and the Australian Health Survey are the main sources of data, but all are severely limited....
According to the 'normalisation thesis', drug use has become an 'unremarkable' feature of contemporary life for young people. Previous quantitative research, however, neglects to assess the extent of variation in young people's social accommodation of drug use. This paper uses data from a ...
SYDNEY, March 16 (Xinhua) -- The crime rate in Australia's Victoria state has soared 10.2 percent in a year, statistics showed. Data released by the Crime Statistics Agency of Victoria on Thursday revealed that 552,005 offences were reported in Victoria in 2016, up from 500,971 in 2015....