This age band also saw declining rates of driver’s licence ownership – until the pandemic, when there was a big exodus and at the same time a significant increase in the drivers licence ownership rate. The younger adult age bands have seen a surge in 2022-23, and in the three states ...
In New South Wales, for instance, a young driver may sit the first level of the Provisional test no sooner than age 17, and will be at least 20 before Full license is granted (see In Western Australia it ...
Society depends on food production. However, agricultural productivity is greatly challenged by extreme climate events and volatility. Seaweed extracts (SWE) have a key role in food production and their use is central to improving agricultural productivity by increasing crop tolerance to stress, improvin...
As a Kiwi living in Australia with only a NSW Drivers Licence and a Medicare Card that I can add to my ID profile on this app (I don’t have any other Aussie ID) this only gives me a Standard strength profile. I can only access a few services with standard strength that I already...
In essence, the mere presence of THC constitutes an offence. Penalties associated with this strict liability offence include a criminal record, fines, and driving licence disqualification, the latter of which is a seriously limiting factor to those that live in rural or remote communities. Aside ...