Spodumene produced in the country is often seen as the premium product within the market, due in part to the high ESG standards. “Australian spodumene is typically our preference due to the good standards of reporting and transparency,” a consumer told Fastmarkets. Despite this preference for s...
Directed by George Miller, this Australian cult classic set new standards for on-screen car chases and stunts, winning six Australian Film Institute Awards. As Max battles to survive, he becomes an iconic symbol of grit and resilience in the face of chaos and despair. Released: 1979 Directed ...
aFor example, 85% of India’s urban population has access to drinking water but only 20% of that water meets the minimum health and safety standards. It is estimated that by the year 2050, a half of India’s population will be living in urban areas and will face acute water problems ...
3. Results 4. Discussion Ethical standards disclosure Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process Funding CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of competing interest Acknowledgments ReferencesShow full outline Figures (1) Tables (2) Table 1 Table 2Journal...
Each replica was purchased from a different store to ensure that a true representation of microplastics in bottled water without batch bias was attained. The brand names of these bottles will not be revealed in this study. Chemicals and standards The samples were analysed for polyethylene (PE), ...
Our teas are blended and packed in Australia by Australian owned companies to our strict Australian standards. 6. Feel better everywhere Take your tea with you with our tea flask and top up on anti-oxidants and nutrients anywhere, anytime. ...
The BPL plant uses technology acquired from Austrian companyBiodiesel International AGto produce 60 million litres of biodiesel per annum, all of which meets the rigorous Australian, European, US and NZ Biodiesel Standards. Source:The Premier of VictoriaandBiodiesel Producers Limited ...
Customer services and some hotels not up to my standards. Reviewed on 07/20/2019 Trip Rating: Exciting excursion options and a very enjoyable tour overall. Eric Hershkowitz Reviewed on 07/19/2019 Trip Rating: The topography - the landscapes - of Australia and especially, New Zealand...
Metala lost direction. For a while it became a multi-regional blend. But even after returning to its single vineyard origin, the quality, as I saw in a vertical tasting back to the 1951 vintage earlier this week, didn’t get back to the standards set by Jack Kilgour, Bryan Dolan and ...
The report labeled the actions of several Australian SAS members "disgraceful and a profound betrayal of the Australian Defence Force's professional standards and expectations". However, the full report has been heavily redacted, especially those details about alleged incidents involving civilian Afghans...