AUSTRALIA. Dept. of DefenceRISK managementNATIONAL securitySECURITY managementDECISION makingDECISION support systemsNo abstract is available for this item.doi:10.1080/14751790701752428Gaidow*SvetoslavEbscoDefense and Security AnalysisGaidow, S., Boey, S.: Australian Defence Risk Management Framework: A ...
Science, Medical, Defence, Agricultural, HouseholdEvery child growing up in Australia in the 1950s and 1960s learned of the first inhabitants' tools and inventions - the digeridoo, a renowned wind instrument; the globally recognized curved throwing stick called the boomerang; and the woomera, a ...
Directors' primary assumptions, their values-in-use, were finance first, followed by risk and defence. Finance, in terms of short-term profitability, was considered before all espoused values such as customer centricity, integrity, trustworthiness, and professionalism. Within the study there were a ...