If the practice is in the treatment group, the phone number (and logo) of the main practice will be the one sent in the SMS to all patients. When more than one practice shares EHRs but identify as separate practices (i.e. they do not share the same logo and/or name), and whose ...
The use of IAEA's Name for any purpose other than attribution, and use of the IAEA's logo, shall be subject to a separate written licence agreement between the IAEA and the user and is not authorized as part of this CC-IGO licence. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe...
Local designer Hupfeld Hoerder says he has been in the industry for more than 35 years and his brand is named after him, and says yesterday resonated all his display of his work based on the marine eco-system. He says he uses shells and has re-branded his logo to promote and preserve...
This is not a form of logo- or Euro-centricism, as many postcolonial and cultural theorists have argued (Zarandona, 2015). As we have argued above, it is rather a pan-cultural volition of violence which extends across, as it legitimizes, the whole conception of civilization and its economic...
profiling logo to electronic labels in a Belgian supermarket chain [26]. Both were natural experiments wherein the retailer implemented the system in some stores but not others and involved systems where all products (regardless of rating) had logos applied. Like the current study, both also ...
Figure 1. The graphic illustrates an example of the Health Star Rating front-of-pack label for a two-and-a-half-star food and a four-star food. (The Health Star Rating graphic included in the survey is not the official Health Star Rating (HSR) logo and was provided as an example at...
Department of Defence - Adstar Event Graphics Pause Fest Ident Design Tencent Games - Arena Breakout 'Fred' Game Cinematic Our global creative network services the world's largest brands, film & TV studios, marketing agencies & game studios Corporate, Government & Education Services 2D & 3D ...
The pvc wallet is a dark green colour on the outside with the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) logo. Inside the 1966 uncirculated coins are housed in a hard plastic rectangular insert which is removable. The inscription on the black pvc folder reads "Presented by the Reserve Bank of Australi...
In interviews filmed during the final social event and celebration, Vocal Locals reflected on their experiences participating in the campaign. One Vocal Local talked about being recognised by community members:“…people have seen the Vocal Local sign [logo] on my hat and on the jumper [shirt] ...