Gibson, Roy
The use of banned performance enhancing substances and illicit drugs is widespread in Australian sport and sometimes supported by coaches and scientists, according to anew reportreleased by the Australian Crime Commission today. The commission's chief, John Lawler said he is hopeful that the investigat...
Corporate profits are rising in the sector that’s been pointed out to be the biggest of our tax evaders, the biggest thieves of workers’ wages and superannuation, the biggest scammers of government-provided services, the biggest employers of casualized and temporary imported labor, and the bi...
Joe Hockey Speech To Lowy Institute: “The Age Of Personal And Corporate Responsibility Has Begun”February 6, 2014 Terri Butler Wins Griffith By-Election For ALP; Status Quo Result Sees 0.68% Swing To LiberalsFebruary 8, 2014 Abbott Government Establishes Royal Commission Into Union CorruptionFebrua...
Williams, Ruth
, Match-fixing in international sports: Existing processes, law enforcement, and prevention strategies (pp. 135- 155). New York: Springer.Misra, A., Anderson, J. och Saunders, J. (2013). Safeguarding Sports Integrity Against Crime and Corruption: An Austra颅 lian Perspective. I: Haberfeld, ...
Flint, John