Andrew Giles, the minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs in the new government, on Wednesday declared he has made clearing a backlog of visa applications a priority. "The extraordinary delay in the processing of visa applications has been raised by the comm...
Let’s make it clear: you can have however many citizenships and passports, as long as the 90/180 rule applies to you, it applies to you, not each of your citizenships or passports separately. So, no, coming back on a different passport does not reset anything. Yes, it will be hard...
Bruce Scates,ANew Australia. Citizenship, Radicalism and the FirstRepublic(Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 60, p. 62. 62. Verity Burgmann and David Milner, ‘Futures Without Financial Crises. Utopian Literature in the 1890s and 1930s’,Continuum23/6 (December 2009), pp. 839...
Log ontoVisaHQ Choose Bahrain as your destination Choose Australia as your citizenship Select the visa you want Complete the application form Attach the documents Pay the application fee Submit for approval Requirements For Bahrain e Visa When applying for this visa, you will need the following Pass...
“When the Department becomes aware of such cases it works with the individual to regularise their migration status in Australia and where appropriate, to subsequently lodge an application for Australian citizenship,” the spokesperson said.
As I write, there is a renewed push for migrants to take a test on ‘Australian values’ in order to be able to become Australian citizens. See Karp, Paul, ‘Malcolm Turnbull to add hurdles for “privilege” of Australian citizenship’ , 19 April 2017. 13. As reflected ...
Bill Shorten, leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), announced the funding while on a campaign trail in Darwin on Thursday, saying that Australia's indigenous people "have the right to grow old," according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). ...
If you’re looking to start a new life in Australia, you might actually need to learn some of these Australian Slang words to pass an Australian Citizenship Test one day, because they’ll probably be on the test! Anyway, here is my silly list of Australian Slang. Enjoy mate! You’ll ...
Danette Watson (centre) was one of 13 people to receive their Australian citizenship at the Australia Day ceremony in Young on 26 January. Photo: Edwina Mason. Out in the west Texas town of El Paso, my brother fell in love with a Mexican girl. ...
The political heads of Australia's states and territories unanimously agreed to establish afacial biometric databaseearlier this month, with agencies in all jurisdictions able to use the FVS to access passport, visa, citizenship, and driver's licence images. ...