霞多丽(Chardonnay) 典型香气:柠檬、西柚、菠萝、甜瓜、苹果、梨、杏仁、山楂花、椴花、蜂蜜、新鲜奶油、烤面包、烤杏仁和烤榛子等起源:霞多丽(Chardonnay)原产于法国索恩鲁瓦尔省(Saone-et-Loire),里昂(Lyon)和第戎(Dijon)之间,主要在金丘(Cote d' Or)、索恩鲁瓦尔(Saone-et-Loire)和马恩(Marne)产区。该品种在...
The article presents a report on the white wines of Australia reviewed by the "Wine Spectator." The best white wines in Australia are made of Chardonnay and Riesling. More than 250 white wines were blind-tasted by the editors of the journal. Some of the white wines in the report include ...
When it comes to beating the winter blues, it's worth looking to the Land Down Under. Read the latest wine news & features on wine-searcher
葡萄品种名: 霞多丽(Chardonnay) 中文别名: 莎当妮、布诺瓦 英文别名: Aubaine, Auvernat, Auxerrois, Beaunois, Chaudenay, Clevner, Clavner, Gamay Blanc, Luisant, Melon a Queue Rouge, Melon d'Arbois, Obaideh, Pinot Blanc Chardonnay, Wais Elder, Waiser Clevner, Morillon 原产地: 法国...
A collection highlighting nuances of terroir expressed through our best vineyards from two acclaimed Australian wine regions: Coonawarra and the Barossa Valley. Shop Now St Hugo Signature White Beyond the iconic St Hugo red’s are our modern Australian Chardonnay and Riesling both carefully selected...
"We had come to Vinexpo prepared with more red wine samples than white, but next time we will probably come with a fifty-fifty balance, or even more whites than reds," says Moody, noting it plays to Tyrrell's strengths. "This gives us a lot of hope as we are strong in whites, es...
关于“澳洲灌木霞多丽鸽笼白混酿干白葡萄酒(Australian Bush Chardonnay - Colombard, Australia) ”的酒款综述 这是一款产自澳大利亚的混酿干白葡萄酒。 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 澳大利亚(Australia)澳大利亚同美国一样是新世界葡萄酒产酒国的代表之一,相较于法国漫长的葡萄酒生产历史,澳大利亚的产酒历史则相对要短...
Wine RegionsShirazorChardonnayfromSouth Australia, they're just fantastic. Or a West AussieCabernet Sauvignonfrom the renownedMargaret River Region. APinot Noirfrom our cooler climates is always great, or how about a delightfulMerlot? And if your preference is white wine, why not try aSauvignon ...
葡萄品种名: 霞多丽(Chardonnay) 中文别名: 莎当妮、布诺瓦 英文别名: Aubaine, Auvernat, Auxerrois, Beaunois, Chaudenay, Clevner, Clavner, Gamay Blanc, Luisant, Melon a Queue Rouge, Melon d'Arbois, Obaideh, Pinot Blanc Chardonnay, Wais Elder, Waiser Clevner, Morillon 原产地: 法国...
What did you drink for Xmas 2023? My sparkling/white wine highlights (and misses) January 1, 2024 Welcome to 2024. It's going to be great. Or, at least, let's aim to make it great by drinking a shedload of really delicious wines. So, what have you been drinking? Many … ...