If you were married in Australia a formal Change of Name is not required if you wish to take your spouse’s name. A Standard Marriage Certificate is usually sufficient evidence to have personal documentation, such as your driver’s license and passport, changed to your married surname. If you...
Bluntly, I am where I am because of those that came before me, whether that be good or bad. Inevitably, for a British citizen, this also means the possibility of migration, colonisation, and the possession of lands, with the consequences of social and economic change for those that ...
This change in demographic could retard efforts to reduce unwanted cat populations as female vets are less likely to recommend EAD for cats than male vets [40]. Female professionals are also generally more empathetic towards animals [132,133] and experience greater discomfort with euthanasia-for-...
This immersion program is crucial as participants must initially feel uncomfortable and confronted with unfamiliar aspects of an other-culture. This makes for a more profound intercultural learning experience. It is ourselvesactuallyundergoing the change where we arrive at a deeper level of understanding ...
This gap was also identified in a QLD primary school learning needs analysis [48] conducted by the Advisory Visiting Teachers (AVT) in conjunction with the Mater Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS). The teachers described the types of behavioural, social, and emotional problems they ...