Also known as Blue Heelers, these high-energy dogs are always up for fun. Learn more about them in our complete Australian Cattle Dog guide.
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The meaning of AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG is any of a breed of medium-sized dogs that were developed in Australia to herd cattle and that have upright ears and a red or blue mottled coat.
Australian Cattle Dog Facts Temperament Strong minded yet loyal and loving Training Should be trained from an early age and respond best to firm and fair training Diet Omnivore Average Litter Size 5 Common Name Australian Cattle Dog Slogan High energy levels and active minds! Group Herd Dog ...
Discover the Australian Cattle Dog, a loyal and intelligent breed perfect for active families. BorrowMyDoggy connects Australian Cattle Dog owners and potential borrowers.
Cattle Dog World is the Ultimate Resource for The Australian Cattle Dog: Personality, Health, Temperament, and History.
Australian cattle dogs are suited to any climate. They shed once or twice yearly. Weekly brushing is advised to keep the coat healthy. History of the Australian Cattle Dog The Australian cattle dog was a true adventure in creation. The breed as we know them today is the culmination of much...
Australian cattle dog Also found in:Thesaurus,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Australian cattle dog n. A dog of a medium-sized breed developed in Australia to herd cattle, having a muscular body and a short blue or red speckled coat. Also calledblue heeler. ...
VDH/FCI breed of australian cattle dog (ACD) dogs. Our breeding plan is based over generations on the best world wide selection of HD & ED free, correct and full dentition, prcd2 PRA+BEAR+CERF tested and ACDs of good character.
voicewillbringoutacompleteunderstandingbetweenmasteranddog.Obediencetraining isstronglyrecommended.TheCattleDogisaworkingbreedandenjoysthistypeofwork. CattleDogsaregenerallyhardyandhealthyandcommonlylivetofifteenyearsofageor more.Thelongestlivingdog,recordedintheGuinessBookofRecords,isaCattleDogthat livedtotheageoftwen...