Conservation Status TheIUCN Red Listclassifies the koala as vulnerable with their populations decreasing. Motor vehicle accidents and dogs are major causes of death for koalas, along with disease. The largest threat they face, however, is loss of habitat caused by land clearing and development, bu...
Bushfires Australia's hot and dry climate contributes to hugebushfires. The danger for bush fires increases with low humidity, strong winds and high temperatures. Australian native plants, especially eucalyptus trees and bushes burn very easily in these dry conditions. Please be very careful with a...
The addition of 'o' and 'ie' to words and names. - It is very common for names to be changed by adding either the letter 'o' or the letters 'ie', as in Johnno for John or Hughie for Hugh. There is no hard and fast rule for how this gets done but it is something you learn...
Facts About Aboriginal Australians: Lesson for Kids from Chapter 2 / Lesson 13 42K Aboriginal Australians are the original inhabitants of Australia. Learn about the Land Down Under, their way of life, their religious ideas, Aboriginal art, and the challenges they faced. Related...
He was no doubt lost, perhaps pushed down to escape the bushfires in the nearby State Park, and by morning he was gone. Just like my lovely hostess, Jennifer, I’m not only an animal lover, but also a keen horse-rider. I bought my first horse shortly after getting my first job at...
This important South Australian island may have been ravaged by bushfires, yet it is already starting to bounce back – such is the resiliency of its inherent nature. #84 – Bruny Island, Tasmania If it’s good food you are after, you’re heading in the right direction taking the 20-min...
For more you will like our10 unusual facts about Kangaroo Island. #35 – Chase Minke whales, Great Barrier Reef Score: 8.365 There’s nowhere else in the world where dwarf minkes congregate like they do on theGreat Barrier Reef– and certainly nowhere else in the world where you can swim...
“The gift in her memory will benefit students and scholars in many ways, and for years to come. I know that Shirley would be happy and honoured to see that her legacy is commemorated in this way.” Tel Aviv University. TAU president Professor Ariel Porat added, “Sir Frank Lowy’s lead...
When the action at last moves from Devon to Australia, the story transposes into heroic romance, and it too manages to incorporate the sensational possibilities of the colonial experience: bushrangers and bushfires, floods and hostile Aboriginal peoples, the tragic outcome of being lost in the ...