Size-corrected PCA based on residuals (rPCA) suggested differentiation by habitat along PC axis 1 (rPC1; heavily loaded to toe length and head length; Additional file4: Table S7). ANOVA also detected significant differences between saxicoline and generalist taxa in rPC1 (-HeadL and +ToeL;...
Given that body size can be a predictor of SVD, variation in this attribute can be important at both the intra- and inter-specific species level. Notably, calliphorid species, such as C. vicina and Ch. megacephala, demonstrate a high level of phenotypic plasticity in body size, along with...
There was also an association between climate change beliefs and both individualism (effect size η2 = 0.086) and hierarchy (effect size η2 = 0.119): respondents who felt that climate change was not happening scored highest on both scales and those who felt that it was happening and caused ...