The aim of this study was to assess if young people attending a music festival who report frequent risky single occasions of drinking (RSOD) recognise the key message of the campaign, "Binge drinking can lead to injuries and regrets", compared to young people who report less frequent RSOD. ...
Davey, J. D. (1997) Determinants of binge drinking and alcohol use by young Australian women. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 10, 7-16.Davey, J.D. (1997). Determinants of binge drinking and alcohol use by young Australian women. Journal of Child and Adolescent ...
We collected basic demographics, information on alcohol and other drug use and sexual health and behaviour during the previous 12 months, and measured recognition of the Australian National Binge Drinking Campaign key message. We calculated the odds of recognition of the key slogan of the Australian...
Previous studies have suggested that a heavy episodic ‘binge’ drinking pattern (defined in several different ways) may increase cancer risk, independent of the overall amount of alcohol consumed.20,24,25,38 Due to the questionnaire design, we were not able to examine heavy episodic drinking dir...
We collected basic demographics, information on alcohol and other drug use and sexual health and behaviour during the previous 12 months, and measured recognition of the Australian National Binge Drinking Campaign key message. We calculated the odds of recognition of the key slogan of the Australian...
Binge -To deliberately get drunk. Bingle -Minor car accident. Bite on (to put the) -Pressure someone for money. Bite your bum -Same as saying 'Shut up.' or 'Piss off' but more polite. Bities -Biting insects. Bitser or bitzer -Mongrel dog. Bits of this, bits of that. ...
(2011) The Australian national binge drinking campaign: campaign recognition among young people at a music festival who report risky drinking. BMC Public Health 11:482.van Gemert C, Dietze P, Gold J, et al. The Australian national binge drinking campaign: campaign recognition among young people ...
Tailoring a response to youth binge drinking in an Aboriginal Australian community: a grounded theory study. BMC Public Health. 2013;13(1):1–9.McCalman J, Tsey K, Bainbridge R, Shakeshaft A, Singleton M, et al. Tailoring a response to youth binge drinking in an Aboriginal Australian ...
Using the Social Media to Reinforce Binge Drinking Normative Behaviors: A Comparison of American and Australian College StudentsKyle JonesUniversity of Northern Colorado
The next section gives a description of the data used in the paper, along with summary statistics. A third section deals with the empirical model and the test for gender differences in the impact of conditioning variables on obesity. This is followed by an analysis of the estimates and tests...