One of my favourite landscape photography subjects is the rustic mountain hut, the older the better. Australia is home to many high country mountain huts, from Kosciuszko National Park to the Victorian Alps and down through Tasmania's National Park system there are literally hundreds of them. ...
Although the Alps network has a co-operative management program and the parks are listed as National Heritage, there is no common vegetation classification system or map at a scale suitable for management. As part of developing a strategic framework to assist biodiversity conserv...
Australian Map Grid Australian Marian Academy of the Immaculate Conception Australian Marine Algal Name Index Australian Marine Data Information Service Australian Marine Environment Protection Association Australian Marine Industries and Sciences Council
They see the relationship between totemic plants and animals as a symbolic map of the relations between different people. Contact with British settlers, beginning in 1788, initially led to economic marginalization, a loss of political autonomy, and death by disease or at the hands of the ...
Map Directions Satellite Photo MapWikivoyage Wikipedia Photo: Kgbo, CC BY-SA 4.0.Popular DestinationsNamadgi National Park Photo: Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0 au. Namadgi National Park is an Australian Alps national park in Australia's capital, Canberra....
AustralianAlpsWalkingTrackthrough KosciuszkoNationalPark(NSW)and NamadgiNationalPark(ACT)turned thatdreamintoreality. Ontherighttrack The650kilometretrackgenerallyfollowsridgesand highplainsthroughsomeofthehighestcountryin Australia.Itismostlyfarfromanytownsorother ...
The Unique Influence of Australia on the Global Sea Level in 2010-2011 Australian Alps Australian-Antarctic Depression Australian Continent Australian Continent – the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Transition and Radial Anisotropy Beneath the Continent Australian Landscapes - Cretaceous to recent Australian ...
tropical forests, less moist, predominantly eucalyptus; south of 28°S lat. there are monsoon subtropical forests and eucalyptus. On the western, leeward slopes, zones of evergreen xerophytic thin forests and savannas predominate. In the Australian Alps, high-belt landscapes are most fully ...
Now I was the one solely in charge of the map (not my strong point) and getting lost was a frequent occurrence. I was really missing my friends, family and lover back home, and was wondering why I had chosen to come and live on the other side of the world from them. Small things...
The Australian Alps bioregion is located within the southern westerly wind (SWW) belt and is influenced by El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). It is the only area on the Australian mainland where glaciation during the LGM has been confirmed (Barrows et al., 2001), followed by climate ...