Chief executive Michael Thorn told Fairfax Media on Wednesday that alcohol is a factor in 40.6 percent of suicides, homicides and other sudden deaths in New South Wales (NSW), Australia's most populous state. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics released in September 2018 revealed that ...
5206.0, Australian Bureau of Statistics, August 2014 Barten AP (1964) Consumer demand functions under conditions of almost additive preferences. Econometrica 32:1–38 Article Google Scholar Barten AP, Bettendorf L, Meyermans E, Zonderman P (1989) Users’ guide to DEMMOD-3. Kathlieke ...
Although overall alcohol consumption is known to increase the risk of a number of cancers internationally, evidence for Australia and evidence regarding the pattern of drinking and cancer risk is limited. Methods Adjusted hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for cancer risk in rela...
The Australian Wine Export Report produced by Wine Australia, is a summary report and analysis of total exports of Australian wine. It includes highlights of the latest export volume and value statistics by destination market, container type and variety. The report is updated quarterly. Reports from...
The alcohol industry and some critics argued that the tax would encourage young drinkers to consume more hazardous forms of alcohol, such as spirits. Effects of the policy became evident with release of the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates of alcohol consumption per head between 2004 and ...
He also quoted statistics showing that in 10,000 BC all human beings (100%) were hunters and gatherers; by 1,500 AD this had reduced to about 1% because mankind had generally developed skills in the cultivation of crops and domestication of animals. By 1960 only 0.001% of the world's ...
2,3 Although there have been investigations into the interactions of some drugs with breast density,4 the density remains relatively nonmodifiable, unlike other risk factors, such as body mass index and alcohol consumption.5 It is estimated that a quarter to half of the population of women who...
Comprehensive smoke-free policy in the alcohol and other drug (AOD) setting provides an opportunity to reduce tobacco related harms among clients and staff. This study aimed to examine within AOD services: staff awareness of their service’s smoking policy compared to the written policy document an...
Australian Bureau of Statistics Causes of Death, Australia. 2013. Ames G, Bennett JB. Prevention interventions of alcohol problems in the workplace: a review and guiding framework. Alcohol...
We examined nine self-reported outcome variables in three categories: (1) health-related lifestyles: smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and physical activity; (2) psychological outcomes: psychological distress, anxiety and depression; (3) overall health and wellbeing: self-rated health and quality of...