A superimposed wildfire map of Australia over the United States shows the scale of the massive wildfires that have spread Down Under.
(photo: M.Greenlees); c Australian anurophagous predators, such as the Yellow-spotted monitor (Varanus panoptes) have no evolutionary history of exposure to bufonids (and their defensive bufo-toxins) (photo: G. Ward-Fear); d such predators experience high rates of mortality when they attempt...
As for the costs, for $20 Australian Dollars, residents of the US can obtain a visa online that is valid for up to three months. Citizens of the UK and Canada do not need a visa, but they will need to apply electronically for and receive an ETA (Electronic T...
We thank the three anonymous reviewers for providing us very valuable comments and suggestions, leading to a significant improvement of the paper. Author Contributions N.T. conceived, designed, and performed the experiments; N.T., S.-C.H., S.T., H.M.S., and E.H.S. analyzed the data...
The white cross on the insert map and Port Curtis, where concentration of trace metals in river water were determined by Angel et al. [71] (white star on the main map) for assessment of atmospheric deposition fluxes in part 3.3. Black and red symbols on the insert indicate sugar cane ...
Priority Mail generally ships within the US in one to three business days, depending on origin and destination. For specific dates, check the USPS Priority Mail Delivery Map. In addition to standard Priority Mail, there’s Priority Mail Express, offering two-day or next-day shipping time by ...
Please Help Us Improve With Your FeedbackAs part of our continued efforts to improve partner & customer satisfaction we are sponsoring...Author: NickM77 Date: 08/15/2007Commerce Server RoadmapRyan Donovan announces the roadmap for our ecommerce platform - it's a great plan and a good......
First we obtain a high spatial resolution coastline map from the GADM database as a single ‘multi-polygon’ (a single feature) having a longitude/latitude coordinate reference system. The map is then transformed to a planar coordinate system using the “Australian National Grid” coordinate refere...
focus on de-risking the implementation by focusing our attention on the non-functional aspects of the scheme. We highly recommend following an Agile or Iterative methodology as this allows us to learn and adapt as we uncover the finer intricacies of what makes for a successful and secure system...