This approach to assess landform stability will increase the sensitivity of assessing post-mining landform recovery and assist rehabilitation engineers to heal the land and benefit owners of the land to whom it is bestowed after rehabilitation. Keywords: catchment disturbance; fine suspended sediment; ...
In some locations, drinking water injected into potable aquifers has resulted in excessive arsenic concentrations on recovery due to reactions between injected water and pyrite containing arsenic [17]. Source water that has been desalinated to a high purity dissolves more minerals within the aquifer ...
The study area: (a) Locations of gauging stations; (b) Land uses map. 22..22.. SSWWAATT MMooddeell IInnppuutt DDaattaa TThhee iinnppuuttss rreeqquuirireedd fofor rthteh estustduyd yincinlucdlued teoptoogproagprhai...
Ideally, there should be free health examinations for retired coal workers, not just an examination upon retirement, but regular examinations post-retirement. At the same time, the communication between retired coal workers and their governments and unions ought to assist in the evaluation, treating,...