Longitude longitude True number A longitude in decimal format. BOM Rainfields dataset dataSet string Select the BOM Rainfields dataset to use. Case sensitive. Fields to include in result select string A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not inclu...
Longitude longitude True number 小数度で検索する経度。 Search Radius radius integer このキロメートルの範囲内の観測所のみを探します。 既定は 100kmです。 Query Offset offset integer ページネーション オフセット パラメータは、コレクションから返される最初のエントリを指定します...
December 29, 2021 Use the new FILTER() formula and retrieve only the columns you want So in my previous post I was banging on about the new Dynamic Array formulas only fairly recently released to Office 365 Excel. I reckon Read More » ...
For Canada, you also need to set up Provincial Reporting Establishments (PREs). GREs and PREs represent an employer the governments recognise as being responsible for paying employees and for filing a variety of reports. There must be a GRE for each Business Number that the Canada Revenue Agency...
This calculation cannot replicate exactly the tracking of individual sources in the IBM, but provides a good approximation, allowing the SCM to closely replicate ensemble output from the IBM. A highly effective contact tracing program would be expected to have values of the 24 h tracing efficiency...
Although one in four survey respondents disagreed with introducing a tax on unhealthy foods and beverages, literature has shown that support for public health policies such as smoking bans [73], tobacco taxation [26] and mandatory seat-belt legislation [74] can increase post-policy implementation....
Longitude longitude True number A longitude in decimal format. BOM Rainfields dataset dataSet string Select the BOM Rainfields dataset to use. Case sensitive. Fields to include in result select string A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not inclu...
Longitude longitude True number A longitude in decimal format. BOM Rainfields dataset dataSet string Select the BOM Rainfields dataset to use. Case sensitive. Fields to include in result select string A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not inclu...
Longitude longitude True number A longitude in decimal format. BOM Rainfields dataset dataSet string Select the BOM Rainfields dataset to use. Case sensitive. Fields to include in result select string A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not inclu...
Use paging to control the number of stations returned. Returns 5 stations by default. Sorted by distance from location ascending. Get Weather Stations Rainfall Get the rainfall weather stations have received over various time periods up to the current time. Get Weather Stations Yearly Summary ...