澳大利亚2023年tfr下跌到1.5了,2022年是1.63,还是在移民人口大增的前提下。 原住民生育率有所提升,上涨到了2.17, 出生总人口从2022年的30万下降到2023年的28万6998, 我早就说过,南亚18亿人口,2023年出生了3300万人口,是澳大利亚的100多倍。而且南亚人对盎国情有独钟,挡都挡不住。
The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates the country's population will reach 26 million in three years' time, based on current trends. The rapid increase in migrant numbers has sparked a debate on the economic and social impact of migration given inadequate infrastructure has...
Australia - Statistics & Facts Choose a region: Australia With an area of approximately 7.7 million square kilometers, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, but its relatively small population of just 27 million people means it is also one of the most sparsely populated. Australia...
The most important statistics Resident population in Australia 2023, by region Share of resident population in Australia 2023, by state Net overseas migration in Australia 2011-2023 Top 10 countries of birth for foreign born Australian residents 2023 Net overseas migration arrivals and departures in Au...
Australian social media statistics from across a wide variety of sources with analysis and recommendations.
Failure to consider population structure when managing harvested fishes increases the risk of stock depletion, yet empirical estimates of population structure are often lacking for important fishery species. In this study, we characterise genetic variati
-China Statistics -HTML Color Chart -Seaport Codes -Recipies NOTE: The information regarding Australia on this page is re-published from the 2024 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and other sources. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Australia 2024 informati...
Social media statistics for Australia There were20.50 millionsocial media users in Australia in January 2021. The number of social media users in Australia remainedunchangedbetween 2020 and 2021. The number of social media users in Australia was equivalent to79.9%of the total population in January ...
Factors such as the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and the rising geriatric population are expected to drive market growth. For instance, according to the 2022 statistics published by Dementia Australia, about 487,500 Australians will be living with dementia in Australia in 2022, and this...
Recommended statistics Overview Mobile internet and fixed line broadband Online activities Social media ScamsKey insights Number of internet users Active internet users as a share of population Mobile phones as a share of internet traffic Get more insights Report on the topic Top Seller Explor...