Travelmath provides a database of countries around the world, with the latitude and longitude of each country. You can explore the world to find new countries to visit, or calculate theo distance between countries to see how many frequent flyer miles you'll get for your next international ...
Latitude: -30Longitude: 135 Get: of: Map of South AustraliaRelated linksCities in South Australia Airports in South Australia More informationTime zone at the center of South Australia: Australia/Adelaide Note that some Australian states and territories may span multiple time zones, so if you're...
It views the Earth from a point located directly above 24 degrees south latitude and 132 degrees east longitude. It is what you would see from a satellite located immediately above that point and high enough above the Earth to see the entire map area. It is made by projecting all points ...
There are latitude and longitude grids and road distances for easy trip planning. The fascinating corners of this massive country are often only accessible down dirt roads where no public bus will venture - make the most of your time with the "Rough Guide Map to Australia"! The Rough Guide ...
Download our "Postcode database Australia" or our "Postcode database New Zealand" and enhance your website / software with a Postcode radius search capability. All of our databases contain longitude and latitude for each location + free source code for PHP/ MySQL and ASP / MS SQL-Server ...
Type: City with 2,040,000 residents Description: capital city of Western Australia, Australia Categories: big city and locality Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania View on OpenStreetMapLatitude-31.9554° or 31° 57' 20" south Longitude115.8586° or 115° 51' 31" east...
Get the monthly summaries for a latitude and longitude based on the closest radar point Get Radar Rainfall Get the rainfall for specific radars Get Radars Returns a list of radars and their metadata.Get Nearby RadarOperation ID: GetNearbyRadar Get...
2.The Australian political division borders are drawn mainly along straight lines of latitude and longitude instead of along natural features; and each has an 21、independent access to the sea. 3. New South Wales(新南威尔士新南威尔士): 1)located in the southeast of Australia. 2)As the ...
Add location markers to the map using only latitude and longitude. Choose shapes or images. Easily customize the size, color, and description. Intuitive Zooming Intuitive continent-level approach makes zooming second nature. Transparent continents make data visible even when zoomed out. ...
Location: City of Blue Mountains, Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania View on OpenStreetMapLatitude-33.6339° or 33° 38' 2" south Longitude150.2847° or 150° 17' 5" east Population4,480 Elevation1,063 metres (3,488 feet) Open Location Code4RRG978M+CV OpenStr...