With interest rates likely hitting their terminal rates over the first half of the year, before gradually falling over the second half, household debt servicing costs will be the main draw on disposable incomes for the year, but early data suggests household may have a control on this. Risks ...
Household income or consumption by percentage share lowest 10%:2% highest 10%:25.4% (1994) Remittances 0.06% of GDP (2021 est.) 0.09% of GDP (2020 est.) 0.13% of GDP (2019 est.) Budget revenues:$479.33 billion (2019 est.) expenditures:$532.579 billion (2019 est.) ...
The massive amounts of mortgage debt associated with nosebleeds housing valuations has resulted in Australia having one of the highest household debt to GDP ratios on the planet, at a staggering 130% (second only to Switzerland, and well above the 75% typical of most advanced economies) ...
The RBA expects household budget pressures to ease once interest rates start to fall, but also saw dangers in that. "Domestic vulnerabilities could increase if households respond to any easing in financial conditions by taking on excessive debt," said the RBA in a 45-page rev...
"High household debt is a key vulnerability if adverse economic scenarios came to pass. We also have seen an uptick in non-performing loans, with the potential for further rises, especially if unemployment increases," APRA Chair John Lonsdale said in a statement. ...
Figure 2 – China household deposits and debt growth Source:CLSA, PBOC, WIND. 2024 Macro pressures weigh on micro spending Since inception, the Fashion Engagement strategy was up 15.3%, compared to 28.8% for the MSCI ACWI2. The strategy is purely focused on the fashion value chain and ...
Household final consumption expenditure is the net expenditure on goods and services by persons and expenditure by private non-profit institutions serving households. This item includes: personal expenditure on motor vehicles and other durable goods; the imputed rent of owner-occupied dwellings; the valu...
Adelaide +0061 8; Albury +0061 2; Alice Springs +0061 8; Ballarat +0061 3; Bendigo +0061 3; Brisbane +0061 7; Bunbury +0061 8; Bundaberg +0061 7; Cairns +0061 7; Canberra +0061 2; Coffs Harbour +0061 2; Darwin +0061 8; Forrest +0061 815; Geelong +0061 3; Gibson +0061 706;...
“Unity Housing tenants will be the first in the community housing sector to share the benefits of cheaper and renewable energy at scale by participating in this scheme at a time when household budgets are under increasing pressure from rising living costs,” Woodward said. ...
“It’s difficult to believe household debt would be 200 per cent of income if the last recession had come more recently. Also this pandemic has dialled up the risk profile of the economy because the most indebted sector — households — no longer have the buffer provided by future interest...