Date CountryAbbreviationCurrencyRate per €1ChangeReversed Exchange rate 28.2.2025 Australia AUD Dollar 1.6741 0.01 0.5973 Exchange rate 27.2.2025 Australia AUD Dollar 1.6638 0.002 0.601 Exchange rate 26.2.2025 Australia AUD Dollar 1.6622 0.008 0.6016 Exchange rate 25.2.2025 Australia AUD Dollar 1.6538 ...
Check out our AUD to MYR exchange rates with our currency converter and conversion rate tables. Then head over to the app when you're ready to send money to Malaysia. 1. Start your money transfer Go to the Transfers section in-app and choose your recipient's country. ...
Enter how much you want to convert in AUD or receive in EUR. Our currency converter will do the maths for you and show you our current exchange rate for AUD to EUR, plus any fees that may apply. 3. Join Revolut and exchange
Dive into historical exchange rates for ALL to AUD with Wise's currency converter. Analyse past currency performance, track trends, and discover how currencies have fluctuated over time.
The current CHF/GBP exchange rate is 0.885. (Last updated on February 10, 2025 06:07:05 UTC). It means you will get GBP 0.885 for 1 CHF or CHF 1.1298 for 1 GBP. Also available: free currency rates (244)Yahoo Finance (150)The European Central Bank (31)The Central Bank of the Russ...
Popular currency exchange routes AUD to USD AUD to GBP AUD to INR AUD to EUR AUD to NZD AUD to JPY AUD to CAD AUD to SGD How long does it take to send money with Commonwealth Bank of Australia? The time it takes to send money with Commonwealth Bank of Australia will depend on: 1...
to manage Australia's foreign currency reserves. Cash Rate Target When reference is made to the Australian interest rate this often refers to the Cash Rate Target, also called the official cash rate (OCR) or cash rate. This is the Australian base rate. Banks pay this interest rate when t...
Please visit or click the above link to check the current exchange rates from time to time. All exchange rates are subject to change without notice. United Currency Exchange™ do not have any control to ...
Exchange rates constantly change throughout the day and can change at the time of booking a trade. They are based on an average margin currency specialists generally will take - added to a near live interbank rate for your specified trade size. Rates can only be guaranteed at the point ...
Our currency converter will show you the current AUD and EUR exchange rate, and fees you might be charged. Konvertirajte Australian Dollars to Euros AUD EUR 1 AUD 0.60 EUR 5 AUD 3.00 EUR 10 AUD 6.00 EUR 25 AUD 15.00 EUR 50 AUD 30.00 EUR 100 AUD 60.01 EUR 500 AUD 300.05 EUR 1,000...