TheAustralian Heritage Commission Act of 1975 established a federal agency to develop interest in a National Estate of listed places. Such places would be selected mainly on the basis ofaesthetic, historical, scientific, or social significance. The process was not intended to guarantee any area or...
Putting us on track for emissions targets The newClimate Change Actmandates targets of a43% cut in emissions by 2030and net-zero emissions by 2050. Our research shows effective electric vehicle policies can help achieve these targets. Such policies can be adopted from nations that have made rapid...
(voluntary) greenhouse gas emissions reduction schemes. A new national government has introduced the Climate Change Act 2022 to statutorily embed Paris Agreement NDC targets. Even so, Australia continues to be distinguished by a dichotomy in its energy law and policy. On the one hand it is a ...
a low-pressure trough and storm system, this storm stretched for several thousand kilometres on 11 January 2020, even reaching New Zealand.7With increasing global temperatures as part of climate change in future, warmer future conditions, limited rainfall and droughts could worsen these factors that...
There's lots said about why climate change now confronts us, and what it means, but the real issue is what to do about it. Plenty is said about that too, but there's not enough discussion on the practical aspects of implementation. Focusing on energy, that's what my blog sets out ...
Disasters resulting from climate change and extreme weather events adversely impact crop and livestock production. While the direct impacts of these events on productivity are generally well known, the indirect supply-chain repercussions (spillovers) are
When reporting on science, they promote the consensus on COVID-19 and climate change, such as thisAtlantic Ocean warmest it has been for 3000 years, scientists say, and“Scientists demand federal government act on climate change.” Further, aReutersInstitute survey found that 61% of respondents...
R O Since the last IEA review of Australia in 2018, the government has significantly raised its F climate ambitions, with the 2022 Climate Change Act doubling the target for emissions reductions by 2030 and setting the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Australia also signed up to ...
14 July 2022Katie Kummer+ 1 Summary The energy industry is well-positioned to be a leader in implementing sustainable policy and practice in multiple ways. Organizations aligning their sustainability and people strategies will be best placed to future-proof their workforces and outpace competitors, wh...
1 Huij, J., Lansdorp, S., Peppelenbos, L., and Markwat, T., September 2022, “Does climate beta pick up on climate risk?”, Robeco article.2 Huij, J., Lansdorp, S., Peppelenbos, L., and Markwat, T., August 2022, “Do investors act on shifts in climate ...