Austin’s transportation system is heavily car-reliant, with public transit primarily provided by Capital Metro buses and a limited MetroRail line serving the northern suburbs. While biking and walking are growing in popularity, Austin’s sprawling layout makes driving the most practical option for ...
如果您更喜欢公共交通,您可以选择搭乘机场巴士(Capital Metro)直达市中心。乘坐100号巴士(Airport Flyer)是一个经济实惠的选择,车程大约为30至40分钟,沿途会经过多个奥斯丁的主要景点和商业区,让您在抵达酒店之前就能感受到这座城市的魅力。无论您选择哪种交通方式,凯悦旅馆-奥斯汀市区都将为...
此外,奧斯丁的公共交通系統也相當便利,您可以選擇搭乘城市巴士(Capital Metro)前往酒店,這樣不僅省錢,還能更深入地體驗當地生活。無論您選擇哪種方式,抵達奧斯丁費爾蒙酒店後,您將會享受到豪華的住宿體驗和便利的地理位置。奧斯丁費爾蒙酒店周邊的魅力地標與景點奧斯丁費爾蒙酒店坐落於奧斯丁市中心,周圍環...
Bikeshare helps you get around central Austin and connect to transit on a CapMetro-owned electric bike.
What is it like living in Austin, TX? Discover the cost of living, climate, transportation, things to do and more!
Transportation in Austin, TX When renting in Austin, a car is strongly recommended to avoid traffic congestion and limited parking. Alternatively, public transportation is provided to renters by Capital Metro. Austin renters are also quickly familiarized with MetroRapid Route 801, which runs north-so...
This area is well-served by Capital Metro (known locally as CapMetro) buses and light rail. For eco-friendly alternatives, there are numerous bike lanes and Austin B-cycle stations. Rideshare services are also readily available, making it convenient to navigate through the neighborhood and into ...
Car traffic, foot traffic and Capital Metro ridership have all increased year-over-year but are still below pre-pandemic levels. Overall, mobility patterns are changing, but we do not have concrete data on them because work environments are still shifting as companies establish their “new normal...
如果您更喜欢公共交通,您可以选择搭乘机场巴士(Capital Metro)到达市中心。您可以在机场找到相关的巴士站,乘坐20路或100路巴士,约需40分钟到达市中心。到达市中心后,您可以步行或再乘坐短途出租车前往北奥斯汀帕默大道驻桥套房酒店。无论您选择哪种方式,都会发现这家酒店的位置优越,方便您探索奥斯丁的各大景点...
此外,若您喜歡公共交通,您可以搭乘機場巴士(Capital Metro)前往市中心,然後轉乘適合的巴士路線到達飯店。這樣的選擇不僅經濟實惠,還能讓您在路途中欣賞到奧斯丁的城市風景。無論您選擇何種交通方式,智選假日飯店及套房奧斯丁市中心 - 大學都將成為您探索奧斯丁的理想基地,讓您在這裡享受舒適的住宿體驗,並輕鬆抵達當...