from THU 12:00 AM CST until THU 10:00 AM CST, Austin County2024 Texas elections: Live resultsBy FOX 7 Austin Digital Team Updated May 5, 2024 4:49pm CDT Election FOX 7 AustinTEXAS - The general and special elections are here! Below are the results for Central Texas races as of...
Early voting begins October 21. Additional Resources to Learn about the Ballot include: Voter Guide – website has links to verify your registration, research candidates, find voting locations, view a personal ballot based on your address (so you won’t have to wa...
Vote for ARC for the Best of North Hays County 2024! The “Best of North Hays County 2024” voting, sponsored by the Hays Free Press, is now open! Read More October 21, 2024 < 1 min read Resources Additional Resources ARC Kyle Plum Creek Clinic Flyer ARC Map of Clinic Locations ...
1. The City of Austin should form a bipartisan Working Group with Travis County and State officials, to ensure that they are prepared to protect citizens to the greatest extent possible during a Texas power grid failure. 2. The State should consider releasing Rainy Day Funds and allocating them...
“I Voted” sticker contest submissions. Photo: Travis County Elections Department The sticker will be distributed to voters at all Early Voting and Election Day locations for the November 2022 election. All three winners will be honored at the May 10 commissioners court meeting....
Early voting begins October 21. Additional Resources to Learn about the Ballot include: Voter Guide – this website has links to verify your registration, research candidates, find voting locations, view a personal ballot based on your address (so you won’t have to...
She traces her interest in the law to when she was in preschool and her father was in law school and they would sit together at the dining room table, she with coloring books and he with law books. Her father became an attorney for the county school board and her mom was a high scho...
After the city voted to ban encampments in the Texas capital, more churches see advocacy, lobbying, and government partnerships as part of their outreach. Church Under the Bridge gathers for Easter 2021 in Austin. Christianity TodayMay 26, 2021 ...
The Texas Election Code requires polling locations to assign someone from the other major party as the alternate judge if they assign someone from one major party as the presiding judge. “It is totally unacceptable that large portions of our county have no Republican election judges assigned, des...
Fitts calls what is happening a “financial coup d’état.” Fitts contends nobody understands how the bankers are sucking money in the trillions of dollars out of America because the main stream media is focused on trivial stories. Fitts explains, “We’re all shrieking about how Clinton is...