As the maps below show, Council Districts west of MoPac Expressway have not increased their share of the city’s subsidized housing supply since 2015, as Council Districts 6, 8, and 10 continue to contain less than 5% of Austin’s subsidized affordable housing. However, progress has been made...
and is earmarked for transportation projects that would have a low cost and high impact. In December 2015, Austin City Council voted to distribute $1.9 million to each of the city’s 10 council districts. Mayor Steve Adler will prioritize how to spend another $2.8 million across the city...
Council Oak Preschool will remain closed on Thursday, February 2. Del Valle ISD Del Valle ISD will remain closed Friday, Feb. 3. Although Del Valle ISD campuses remain operational, the district is receiving additional reports of intermittent power outages and debris in Travis County. All schools...
All ofthe projectswe discussed in Part 1will make a dent in Austin’s ever-escalating affordability crisis, but that’s unfortunately all they’ll make – a dent. In 2017, City Council committed to building at least 135,000 housing units over the subsequent decade. Before moving on, I’m...
The Austin Chamber of Commerce has responded to the task force’s recommendations by forming an Entrepreneurs Council to better integrate women founders into the broader business community. Additionally, a local venture capital firm is considering leading a capital pledge to increase investments in women...
The draft codes and maps were published online in a format that allowed line-by-line comments. The city published “white papers” by citizens on its CodeNEXT page. And, of course, there were numerous briefings to Planning Commission, the Zoning and Platting Commission, and City Council ...
In September 2021, City Council adopted theAustin Climate Equity Plan. The plan advances the work of the previous 2015 Community Climate Plan and further centers equity throughout its strategies. This new plan was the product of hundreds of hours of work with input from nearly 200 community memb...
LAYER_CONFIG=[ {"service_name":"BOUNDARIES_single_member_districts","service_name_secondary":"BOUNDARIES_other_council_districts",# optional"outFields":"COUNCIL_DISTRICT",# AGOL layer attribute"updateFields":"field_189",# Knack field COUNCIL_DISTRICT"layer_id":0,"distance":33,"units":"esriSR...
“presentation this past Friday” – made by Capital Metro’s Project Connect planning team to a Joint Capital Metro Board/City of Austin City Council Work Session on Friday 14 September.) Henry is a technical consultant to the Light Rail Now Project and a contributing editor to theAustin ...
There's an oversight committee, which is made up of the entire City Council, so there is customer representation in the council members they elect. Isn't that worse? The City Council could direct the money to be spend on a new building in some councilperson's district, rathe...