But there might be someone else who may have been Cyrus’ ally for quite awhile.Viewers may remember... See full article at Celebrating The Soaps 8/24/2024 by Matt Crider Celebrating The SoapsHow ‘Love on the Spectrum’ Helps Those Who Want It Most — Not Just ‘Instagram Models on ...
“We have a group of people who have the power to act with impunity. They are above the law. They are centralizing and consolidating economic and political power. We have a political problem. We don’t have an economic problem.”Fitts’ analysis shows,“We’ve been on a debt ...
This is all a Demonically driven pure evil agenda. Reply Chip 04/17/2022 • The thing interesting about Yellowstone tho is that it shows the corrupt corporate take over of the world. The raping of the land in a never ending conquest of greed… Chip Reply Really Awake 04/17/2022 ...
In movements encompassing poetry and prose, writer and musician Kevin Simmonds explores Price as an icon, a diva, a woman, and a patriot—and himself as a fan, a budding singer, and a gay man—through passages that move polyphonically through the contested spaces of Black identity, Black ...
Because of her exposure to the Water of Life while in the womb, Alia is born a fully-fledged Reverend Mother, making her a psychically gifted adult in a child’s body. Fan casting a child’s role is a tough task, so we’ll wait and see on this one, just as long as it’s ...
I know nothing will be fixed politicially, the economy is ruined, and the elites running the W.E.F. want us dead. Reply Trish 06/20/2022 • Basically , you are scared of what is truly happening in our country , our world – you cannot take the truth – the fact that there ...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Post) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and vaccines to cure it are all part of the “Going Direct Reset.” Fitts explains, “This is so simple at
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says, “We’ve been printing massive amounts of dollars, and if you look at all the things we did to stop high sp