In keeping with the original RUMBA design, RUMBA32 is fully open source. RUMBA32 boards are available for sale in the Aus3D shop. Instructions for configuring and uploading Marlin using PlatformIO can be found on the Marlin - Build and Upload (PlatformIO) wiki page. Firmware Support RUMBA32 ...
01. Oktober 2009 Tagung Motivation und Ziele Die Institut für Multimediatechnik gGmbH veranstaltet am 1. Oktober 2009 den 4. Kongress Multimediatechnik in Wismar. Forschern und Entwicklern aus dem Bereich multimedialer Technologien soll die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, die Ergebnisse ihrer Arbeit ...
Visit the community mfrc522 wiki . Read the datasheets! Your preferred search engine. I need more features. If software: code it and make a pull request. If hardware: buy a more expensive chip like the PN532 (supports NFC and many more, but costs about $15)License...