Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines [] Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th edition. Washington, D.C.: NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS; 1989. Nazarewicz RR, Ziolkowsk...
National Health and Medical Research Council.Dietary Guidelines for Older Australians; Commonwealth of Australia: Canberra, Australia, 1999. Available online: on 24 May 2019).
Weekly gridded vegetation health index data are available in real time at Further investigation might include comparing the remotely sensed correlates of aus rice production in Bangladesh with those of the other two rice varieties and of other important...
A 24-kilometer hike fromAlice Springs Telegraph Stationto Simpsons Gap marks the first section of the famousLarapinta Trail, one of Australia's most famous outback walks. Official site: Larapinta Trail Glen Helen Gorge o...
AIMS scientists Jason Doyle (left) and Dr Sven Uthicke have developed a cost effective method for detecting the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish. From Researchers at the Australian Institute of Marine Science have made a significant breakthrough in the war against crown-of...
Tsunami recorded at the Gold Coast sand pumping jetty. From A wide spread Tsunami wave has been recorded by tide gauges From Cooktown in far north Queensland to Spring Bay in Southern Tasmania. The Tsunami was generated by anundersea volcanic eruption in Tongain the southern...
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