aurora_64b66b_protocol_spec_sp011 Aurora 64B/66B Protocol Specification SP011 (v1.2) July 23, 2010 Xilinx is disclosing to you this Specification (hereinafter "the Specification") for use in the development of designs in connection with semiconductor devices. Xilinx expressly disclaims any ...
标题 58463 - LogiCORE IP Aurora 64B66B v8.1 or earlier - Update to 7 Series GTX Transceiver Port RXDFEXYDEN Description By default, the Aurora 64B66B core uses DFE mode. For DFE mode, it is recommended to update RXDFEXYDEN to '1'. This change enhances performance for medium and long...
3. The Aurora 64b66b core and its IP Example Design. Shouldn't this work without errors? Or are errors expected? Is there any way to calibrate the Aurora64b66b core? Is the latest Aurora 64b66b core (12.0/8.0) better? Thank you.シ...
Aurora 64B/66B Protocol Specification .xilinx SP011 (v1.2) July 23, 2010 Xilinx is disclosing to you this Specification (hereinafter "the Specification") for use in the development of designs in connection with semiconductor devices. Xilinx expressly disclaims any liability arising out of your use...
68974 - Aurora 8B10B/Aurora64B66B - Simplex Core without GT has unnecessary ports Description When generating a Simplex Aurora 8B10B core, there are some unnecessary ports available on the core, as shown below: TX only Simplex: gtrxresetdone_in -- tied to GNDchdonddone_in -- tied to GND...
60747 - Aurora 64B66B v9.0 - Incorrect port direction for gt_to_common_qpllreset_out in tx_startup_fsm Description With Aurora 64B66B v9.0, the gt_to_common_qpllreset_out port is declared as an input port (shown below)instead of an output portin the tx_startup_fsm module. ...
软件名称 基于FPGA的Aurora 64b66b万兆双向光纤数据传输系统 软件简称 - 版本号 V1.0 登记号 2024SR1383217 分类号 - 著作权人 华讯(郑州)信息科技有限公司 首次发表日期 - 登记日期 2024-09-18 该公司其他软件著作权 序号登记日期软件全称软件简称登记号版本号 1 2024-12-16 自组织网络动态拓扑管理软件 - 202...
Aurora 64B/66B is a scalable, lightweight, high-data rate, link-layer protocol for high-speed serial communication. Aurora IP cores are designed to enable easy implementation of Xilinx transceivers using an intuitive wizard interface whileproviding a light-weight user interface on top of which ...
60833 - Aurora 64B66B v9.2 - Ultrascale - Hold violations with some core configurations Description Some of the Aurora 64B66B example design implementations fail when run on UltraScale devices with the following critical warning: CRITICAL WARNING: [Timing 38-282] The design failed to meet the ...
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