Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Game of Cat and Mouse (TV Movie 2019) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Reunited and It Feels So Deadly: Directed by Martin Wood. With Candace Cameron Bure, Niall Matter, Marilu Henner, Lexa Doig. Someone is killed at Aurora's twentieth high school reunion.
In episode two, Aurora Teagarden: Real Murders, she makes the statement that her father "never calls her Aurora. Never!" It's how she knew a package was not really from him. Yet, here we are being introduced to Charles Teagarden and he addresses his daughter as 'Aurora' instead of her...
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Three Bedrooms, One Corpse: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (TV Movie 2016) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Three Bedrooms, One Corpse: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (TV Movie 2016) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Good murder mystery movie..! Dead Over Heels: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (2017)A body fall from a small private plane beside detectives house and detective Aurora starts to investigate about the murder... Soo she realize her husband also include in that murder and lot of mysteries revealed....
Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Reunited and It Feels So Deadly (TV Movie 2020) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Real Murders: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery: Directed by Martin Wood. With Candace Cameron Bure, Lexa Doig, Marilu Henner, Robin Dunne. A librarian who hosts a murder mystery club at work finds people connected to the group are being killed off one by one
Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Very Foul Play: Directed by Martin Wood. With Candace Cameron Bure, Niall Matter, Marilu Henner, Lexa Doig. Aurora and friends are off to a resort for a true crime convention. While there, they take part in a mystery dinner