· Failure to Register Vehicle Within 90 Days of Residency. · No License Plates…pic.twitter.com/ph8FGqHMOr — Aurora Police Dept (@AuroraPD)May 3, 2024
Today, members of the Aurora Police Department remember Debra Sue Corr, the first Aurora Police Officer killed in the performance of her duties. This year marks the 40 year anniversary of her death.#NeverForgotten🙏pic.twitter.com/HFHmtfnPm6 — Aurora Police Dept (@AuroraPD)June 2...
Meanwhile this weekend in foggy old Londontown there was a bit of a dust up between the police and 500,000 protestors. A contingent busted up The Ritz and 1,000 anarchists occupied Fortnum & Mason. So help me god, if they put one dent in a decorative tin. . . (Daily Mail)Meanwhile...
Former Aurora police officer Douglas Harroun has pleaded guilty in the case where he assaulted a disabled woman.
A former Aurora Police school resource officer who was accused of sending inappropriate text messages to a 16-year-old girl at the school he was responsible for keeping safe has reached a plea deal with prosecutors. Egide Ndagije, 26, was sentenced on Friday to 1 year of probation, 32 h...
The brush crew from Aurora Fire Rescue that went and helped in the Los Angeles firefighting efforts said Coloradans need to be prepared for a wildland fire at any time of year.
— Aurora Police Dept (@AuroraPD)June 27, 2018 Police said the man was carrying a weapon, which was recovered at the scene. Makenzie O'Keefe joined the CBS4 team as a reporter in 2017. Readher bio, connect with heron Facebook, follow her on Twitter at@makenziepokeefeoremail her your...
Police in Aurora patrolled the property of the Fitzsimons Apartments on Tuesday morning as the deadline arrived for evicted residents to vacate the premises. The apartment complex located at Colfax Avenue and Nome Street, home to dozens of low-income residents, was forced to close by the Ci...
The Aurora Police Department announced Friday that it has launched an enforcement operation that will target vehicles that have late or no registration.