Our aurora forecast prediction tool use data from several sources to feed our algorithm to give you reliable information about the anticipated intensity of aurora activity. For our live aurora prediction, we analyze the leading data over the last 3 hours on a rolling basis, sanitize the data to...
This app predicts weather conditions, helping you to plan your activities and travel. One of the convenient tools to stay updated with current weather details with ease via this app. This is a tool that allows you to explore the current weather and see forecasts for your location through the...
This app predicts weather conditions, helping you to plan your activities and travel. One of the convenient tools to stay updated with current weather details with ease via this app. This is a tool that allows you to explore the current weather and see forecasts for your location through the...
These experimental models for“Tonight’s Aurora Forecast”are modeled with the highest Kp index forecast for that night, between 6pm and 6am central time (in the USA). It does not mean the entire night is going to look like that. Remember, data changes by the minute. The viewline is a...
Additionally, Aurora features the latest ovation prediction tool which gives you an easy to digest visual representation of the likely strength of aurora in your area. Of course, we don’t expect you to check in with the app every day just in case, so we also offer a premium notification ...
Make sure to scroll through the hours that you’ll be out and see how the prediction develops over time. These things can make or break your trip, and it’s important to be safe while traveling in dark conditions. (Unsplash. Photo Credit: Matt Palmer) 3. Set a heading If you’ve...
NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center provides a 30-minute aurora forecast. You can watch livestreams of the northern lights via Explore.org and Lights over Lapland's webcam page If you're an avid aurora chaser or want to learn more about sightings all over the world, Aurorasaurus is a ...
My Aurora Forecast is the best app for seeing the Northern Lights. Built with a sleek dark design, it appeals to both tourists and serious aurora watchers by te…
You can learn more about the northern lights at NASA's aurora page. NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center provides a 30-minute aurora forecast. You can watch livestreams of the northern lights via Explore.org and Lights over Lapland's webcam page If you're an avid aurora chaser or want...
Different tour options exist – some combining caving with sightseeing; and September-April is considered prime viewing period – check your aurora forecast and weather conditions carefully to get optimal viewing! Tour operators offering guided tours with established guides increase your odds of ...