Aurora, also known as Briar Rose, is a princess and one of the Princesses of Heart from the Kingdom Hearts series. Her appearance is taken directly from Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Although her original voice actress, Mary Costa, was alive at the...
Princess Aurora (also known as Briar Rose) is the titular protagonist of Disney's 1959 animated feature film Sleeping Beauty. She is the daughter of King Stefan and Queen Leah. On the day of her christening, Aurora was cursed to die by the evil fairy Mal
a stunning piece perfect for your little one's fairy-tale adventures. Designed with a floral pattern that captures the essence of Sleeping Beauty, this dress is not only a delight for the eyes but also a comfortable fit for children aged 2-10 years. The silhouette of the dress is a class...
If I were to see an Aurora, I would think of a brownish/blondish haired young girl, with brown eyes. The only downside of the name is that I always think of the Disney princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. But still it's a wonderful name and is so calming. I might even name my ...
She slipped away; what little strength was left ebbed with her failing blood; and while her eyes had power still to gaze, she gazed at me, and on my lips her life's last breath was spent; but she looked glad and seemed to die content." [N.B. "aura" was also the Greek word ...
sets means that each character's respective accessories/props don't amount to much. The Ariel and Aurora builds make up the bulk of the set and this is really unfortunate because we've seen very similar builds before. A lego fan only needs so many undersea carriages a...
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“The other 3-and 4-year-old [actors] wouldn’t come near me,” Jolie continued. “It had to be a child that liked me and wasn’t afraid of my horns and my eyes and my claws.” Indeed, as seen in the photos, Jolie is terrifying as Malefic...
The colors of Lake Myvatn, with all those blues and greens, are just a feast for the eyes. And if you’re itching for a dip in geothermal waters (who isn’t, right?), check out the Myvatn Nature Baths. It’s the perfect spot to just chill and soak in all the beauty of this ...
I must break my habit of worrying so much about every little problem that comes my way and keep my eyes always looking forward. I must try to appreciate the happiness in my life now, at this moment, and let the sadness of the past remain in the past. Too many people in this world ...