点到驱动程序和工具软件,然后在Select OS那里选择自己对应的系统。 Lighting Control 就是这个软件,版本会比光盘里的更新,因此建议大家有网络的话都用这个方法来下来主板驱动或者相关的功能软件~只要有网络就行了。 至于显卡部分,操作方法是一样的,把两个软件都下载好,然后安装。 两个软件 上面是主板的,下面是显卡...
用的是最新的AURA Lighting Control 1.06.17,也试过1.05版的AURA主板Z370-F,BIOS 0616 贴吧用户_0PWMS93 新兵 1 总不能每次看到光效不对就重启电脑吧 半颗糖吔很甜 新兵 1 解决了没?我的放克音乐只能放视频变色,放音乐只有天蓝色 卡兹 新兵 1 我也有类似的问题啊,aura打开的时候就能保持主板显卡...
Our energy efficient lighting solutions are especially suitable for public environments, industry and retail. Luminaires and light sources in combination with smart lighting control provides you an optimized solution.
AURA Lighting Control Using the AURA Lighting Control software, you can control the lighting for three independent zones (the motherboard and two RGB headers), you can also opt to have all zones to be in sync (having the lighting on the PC, keyboard and speakers all in sync would be a ...
News about the latest ROG gaming hardware, plus tips and guides for optimizing your gaming PC or laptop setup.
8 control buttons, 6 status LEDs (+ 4 network status LEDs) Case Non-conductive, V-0 flammability rating (UL94 test method), designed for 35 mm DIN-rails or wall mounting Dimensions 86 mm × 105 mm × 49 mm (3.39˝ × 4.13˝ × 1.93˝) (Length × ...
Depending on your customization needs, Asus offers Aura Sync for essential lighting control & Aura Creator for way more advanced RGB lighting effects. Let’s get things clear on whether you should download Aura Sync or Aura Creator, or both to control the PC interior lighting. ...
AURA-RGB Lighting 光效控制 ASUS B150 PRO GAMING/AURA 的另一個賣點是加入了 RGB LED 光效控制功能,用家可以透過附連的 AURA Lighting Control 軟體,就能控制系統晶片及 ATX 供電位置下方的 LED 光效,支援 8Bit 256 色讓玩家自訂發光的效果,更提供了六種控制組合包括可變換色調顯示 CPU 溫度狀態,或隨著玩家...
附連AURA Lighting Control 軟體,讓用家自定顏色光效,除了一般的靜態模式、呼吸模式、閃爍模式及色彩循環模式外,另備有 2 種特殊光效功能,其中「 Music Effect 」會偵測系統音量輸出,當玩家在播放音樂、電影或進行遊戲時, LED 燈泡就會隨著音樂節奏或是遊戲中的槍撃聲音脈動,對於採用透明側板機箱的玩家,「 Music ...
*I now have no control over the lighting of the GPU and it is stuck on breathing. *If I reinstall, the same thing repeats, no control of GPU but it shows up until I click sync areas and it crashes...Images:*http://imgur.com/a/mKXlM* http://pcpartpicker.com/b/xjf8TW Label...