(medicine) Telltale sensation experienced by some people with epilepsy before a seizure. Synonyms air feeling mood spirit vibe Derived terms auratic Translations English - External links aura in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 aura in The Century Dictiona...
Aura can interfere with all of your body’s senses, whether it be vision-, sensory-, speech- or language-related. Some people may not have aura before a migraine (it affects about one in three migraine sufferers) or a seizure, while others may be well acquainted with its effects. Sympto...
Definition of Aura Aura:A sensation perceived by a patient that precedes a condition affecting the brain. Anauraoften occurs before amigraineorseizure. It may consist offlashinglights, a gleam of light, blurred vision, an odor, the feeling of a breeze, numbness, weakness, or difficulty in spe...
Anepilepsyaura is sometimes called a focal awareseizure. Symptoms may only last a few seconds to several minutes. But it can be a sign that a more serious seizure is about to happen. You may get it before you faint. If you know what to look out for, you may be able to get somewher...
nounMedicineA sensation, as of a cold breeze or a bright light, that precedes the onset of certain disorders, such as an epileptic seizure or an attack of migraine. from The Century Dictionary. nounAn old native name of any South American vulture excepting the condor; an urubu, tzopilotl,...
Some people have auras that affect their other senses or ability to move. Auras can cause confusion, uncontrolled movements, weak muscles, hearing noises that aren’t there, a pins and needles feeling, or trouble finding the right words. ...
DEVELOPMENT: Epileptic aura is that portion of the seizure which occurs before consciousness is loss and for which memory is retained afterwards. In the case of simple partial seizures, the aura is the entire seizure. This epileptic phenomenon is the consequence of the activation of functional ...
The feeling an epileptic may get before having a seizure. The aura is a partial seizure during which there is a distortion of the senses and no loss of ...