clash-auto-bin clash-for-windows-zh-bin claude-desktop cli-fetch-git clipio-git clouddm-personal-bin cloudflarespeedtest-bin cloudhub-bin cloudpan189-go-bin clues-git coal-launcher-bin code-notes-bin codefuse-ide-git codegpt-bin codenest-bin codex-bin coinstac-desktop-app-bin colony-player...
#"$domin"in"") url=""$others;echo"download from github mirror $url";/usr/bin/curl -gqb""...
Well it installed node.js into /usr/local/bin instead of the proper /usr/bin which is the standard on Arch, I think this won't be the case if you update the PKGBUILD. Generally speaking I should of course not required to manually downgrade node.js in order to install your package. ...