'aunty'与'auntie'相互参照。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。'aunty' is cross-referenced with 'auntie'. It is in one or more of the lines below. WordReference English-ChineseDictionary © 2024: 主要翻译 英语中文 auntie, auntyninformal(aunt)(亲戚)SCSimplified Chinese姨妈,姑妈,婶子,舅妈y...
(Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun The sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle. Chinese synonyms: 舅母, 姑姑, 婶婶, 妗, 姨, 阿姨, 伯母, 姑妈, 叔母, 妗母, 婶子, 姑, 舅妈, 姑母, 姨母, 姨妈, 婶母, 老大...
- Hide/Show Examples Sorry, no such Word in the collocation dictionary! Are you looking for: aunt jaunty aunts Or you can check Google Dictionary: aunty(English, 中文), wordnet sense Free Collocation Download This site is supported by jeafyezheng@gmail.com. ...
The Dak Gangjeong was a bit too hot for me – it had a good taste like Chinese style sweet and sour but more heat and rice cake rolls added in for interesting texture. The Kimari had to be ordered with Tteokbokki because it is dipped in and eaten with the radish pickles. Another in...
Some Chinese face readings have defined those with water as their element often appear full. Features can appear bloated or fleshy, even on the prettiest of celebrities. Renee Zellweger is on of the more famous examples of how water can represent in the facial features. Those with lesser water...
Having jade in your dream or seeing the color of jade in your dream is usually a positive sign. Luck, fortune, happiness, blessings, and wealth are all associated with dream and usually it is a welcome omen for your waking world. Having a dream about jad
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Tiger Lilies are one of the oldest cultivated flowers in the world. They have been cited in old Chinese texts which date back 2,000 years! The Tiger Lilly first appeared in 1804 when the bulb was sent to William Kerr. The Japanese name is “oniyuri” which is called the Ogre Lilly. ...
Snake dreams indicate;relationship frustrations, finding it hard to cope, hidden emotions, transformation and the need for focus in life. Sigmund Freud stated in his famous book that the snake is connected to our internal energy. Feud identified that a person's dreams are connected to their subc...