May Reilly Parker-JamesonAunt May Beloved aunt to Peter Parker, AKA Spider-Man, May Reilly Parker raises the wall-crawler alone after her husband Ben perishes, remaining unaware of his secret life as a Super Hero. Biography Born in Brooklyn during the depression, May Reilly grows up to marry...
"Written by Hickman and drawn by acclaimed artist Marco Checchetto, ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN is the first ongoing series of the new Ultimate line and presents a startling twist to the Spider-Man mythos. After the Maker used time travel to create a world without heroes, Peter Parker lived a relati...
I should warn you that, in order to explain why Ultimate Aunt May is my favorite, this is going to involve spoilers forUltimate Spider Man vol.1,Ultimate Comics Spider-Man vol. 1and even a brief reference to this past week’sUltimate Comics Spider-Man vol. 2, #8. Without getting into...
Deutsch (Deutschland) हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México) The Spectacular Spider-Man(2015) It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. Be the first to contribute!Add a photooradd a quote. ...
Aunt May will be spotlighted in Marvel Comics' Amazing Spider-Man Annual. While Sony Pictures shot down rumours of a solo film starring a young version of Peter Parker's guardian, illustrator Cale Atkinson will be delivering the 'A-May-Zing Spider Aunt' strip later in the year. The comic...
Related:Spider-Man Loses Big as Daughters of the Dragon Battle Doctor Octopus This sequence of events shows the difference in how May deals with villains compared to her nephew. Spider-Man is a fighter. May is not. Instead, she has to use her wits to accomplish her goals. Doc Ock is a...
May Parker : Peter Parker, if there's one thing are, it's good. Anyone has a problem with that can talk to me. May Parker : [sees a bruised Peter] Peter. Where do you go? Who does this to you? Peter Parker : Please, go to sleep, Aunt May. May Parker : Please tell me...
Hopefully, this doesn’t go beyond a one-shot comic. But this also brings up an interesting question. So far,Spider-Man: No Way Homeis usingSpider-Man: One More Dayto kick things off. And as stated before,Amazing Spider-Man#80BEY is bringing back the idea of Aunt May and Doctor Octo...
May to grieve and move on from his demise. It's curious how Marvel Studios will handle this Happy/May romance moving forward. In the meantime, aside from their shared loss of Tony Stark, Happy and Peter can bond over their respective budding relationships inSpider-Man: Far From Homewith ...
1. 梅婶 ...前为止,演出重要角色的最重量级演员,在上一集中饰演梅婶(Aunt May)的莎莉菲尔德(Sally Fiedl)虽然是两届金像奖影后, …|基于44个网页 2. 梅婶婶 ... Spider-Man)第 160 期,为救至爱的梅婶婶 (Aunt May) 被大坏蛋绿魔 (Green Goblin) 杀死。|基于20个网页 ...